Monday, March 4, 2013

Quotes from the Dragon at OBR


The following are the actual words written on various colored hearts and placed as scales on the dragon’s body at One Billion Rising, February 14, 2013.  As seen below, there was an overwhelming response; not just from the women but a few young men added words of their own.

 The dragon’s message imparted the following: “Light and dark. We dance in the light; crouch in the dark.  As kids we often dread the darkness of night, inventing monsters who could eviscerate our happiness with their powerful dark forces.  As adults we no longer have to imagine monsters – they’ve slunk into our lives via traumatic events.  Sometimes we keep those monsters alive by feeding them our guilt and shame. They can lurk in our shadows, keeping us from truly dancing in the light.  These monsters can drag on our psyche; drag on, drag on, drag on, until one day we finally decide we can conquer that dragon!  The dragon here today represents all that keeps us from achieving our full potential.  Feed the dragon our heart of words; purge the guilt and shame and make your dragon lovable. “

e.e. cummings probably said it best, 

“To be nobody but yourself  in a world that’s doing its best to make you somebody else is to fight the hardest battle you are ever going to fight. Never stop fighting.”

Your words, unedited:

ILY potato

Doubt Fear
I am stronger than food.  I will be healthy

Loving Myself!

I claim my power and my peace

20 years later – the journey was long

For T.C. – healing & light

Release the 21/2 demons!


My journey speaks for my life

Self confidence every day

I am a strong, vibrant character.  I have survived experiences and live to adventure further.

Soulful longing

That I alone control my destiny and have the power to do anything!

For My Daughter

Dancing, laughing, loving

To give more and take less and with each gift like a ripple in the ocean that rings out to all shores

I am strong; I am beautiful; I am a survivor!

You are who you are.  Accept others completely

I have one gift to share. Only by the will of God I have become a survivor.

Freedom from Fear!

Out of Darkness and Into the light I will shine bright

For every time pink was used against me. (written on a pink heart) I’m not just a survivor, I’m a champion.

I’m no longer your victim. I am a SURVIVOR.

You are strong.  Maybe your voice heard!  Stand up for yourself. You are worthy.

Nobody can take away your dreams.

I will never misuse or abuse a woman.  Every one deserves equal love and respect.


For believing in myself


I own my part in staying in an abusive relationship. Now I am free!


I claim our rights for true freedom, safety, and total well-being.  Blessings

Anything is possible

So my grandkids see equality

Inaction is not an option.  DO SOMETHING!!

Be yourself; your wonderful self.

Why can’t we communicate in a better and healthy way?

Women are strong! We can do anything! We can and will survive!  Always smile no matter what you’ve been through!

To see around the bend – step forward to live.

I am not a victim; I am experienced

I’m a princess and you can’t tell me what to do!

PEACE starts at HOME

Learn to love even though it’s hard

To define ourselves by who we ARE, what is in our hearts, NOT the size or shape of our bodies!

I claim the wisdom and power of my heart to overcome the voice of subjugation

Stand up for yourself!

Stop worrying about things I can’t control

Being impatient is not always a bad thing

I am strong and beautiful no matter how I feel!

Let go of hesitating to speak out for others and myself

Don’t be afraid to stand up for what’s right.  It’s never too late!

I will not allow others to shape how I feel about myself

To make time for myself, because self care is the beginning of healing
My love and my daughters sustain me and inspire me and keep me curious

You and your words no longer define me!

I love me; their my parts, NOT YOURS!

Julie and Robin will stop stalking!

Your abuse does not make you a victim! It makes you a true survivor!

I will love my body and accept every imperfection.  I am perfectly imperfect.

Let’s love not hate. More loving relationships, not hurting relationships

I own that I spoke up when I saw signs of abuse in my friend’s relationship

For my grandmother, my mother, my sister and myself

Do not sink below, rise above those who bring you down

For my beautiful sister who is still fighting to find her voice and confidence


Investing in myself is just as important!


If everyone in this world shared what they had, no one would want for a thing; World Peace

I will strive to relax and be OK with what is…

I am worthy of love, respect, acceptance, equality.  I am open and accepting of this now and always

I will only be touched with kindness and respect

Thank you 4 standing up; love u

Peace and love to all!

Forgive and Love

For every girl & woman, young & old, it is my hope that you live with confidence, hope, faith, & courage.  Stand up for yourself & what you believe & we will see a world with less violence


I am not my past.  I am not the abuse.  Only I will possess myself


Health, healing, love, & community. Now and forever

I want to let go of my anger and start making myself happy.  I love myself and deserve to be happy

Leave our bodies the fuck alone!

When it comes to my relationship in marriage I deserve to be treated with respect, loyalty, loving and kind.

I hold the love I have for my sisters!

I slay the dragon of self -hate, low self -esteem and resentments.  I claim my love.

My heart is open! May the mother of all bless her children today!

I regain my strength, my determination, my power, my control.

I am a strong passionate powerful woman.  You may have taken so much from me but you did NOT take that!  You will never take that.

I am so so so so so so very afraid I will not be able to protect my daughter from the violations and rape I experienced

You set a horrible example for your son and stepchildren.  We know better now.

I am someone important and beloved the by the most High God

Equality for all! Peace, Joy, Love

For Sasha – Sunshine and Love

I wish I could have stayed in Philly with my family!

I am here today to thank my MOM! Although she was a victim of domestic violence she made sure I wouldn’t be!  I love you Mom!  Thanks you!

I choose sunlight.  I choose joy.  I choose to live a life of strength, hope, and peace.  I choose myself.  I choose to be me.  I choose life.

Because I am a woman.  And this is MY BODY. Not yours. One Billion Rising!

Forgive others not because they deserve forgiveness but because you deserve peace.

Love does not mean complacency or giving up or giving in.  Enough is enough.

Let go of pain and embrace joy

Anger over things I can’t control

My opinions and beliefs are a part of me, but that doesn’t mean I’m always right.

Embrace who you are, not what others want you to be.

Stop society from thinking women can be abused!  #!!*!!

Today I claim the right to love happy, whole, unabused, and with postive self image!

You did nothing to deserve it!  It was wrong and unfair. I’m glad you got away.

Patience and power to speak

No more!! Your abuse will not define who I am.  My path in recovery will bring me to fruition.

Less Judgement! Share & learn and care

Release fear to gain weight and grow

Empowerment to accept my body’s changing self.  Growing heart & love

Courage. Heal. Love


Don’t fear God, Do not fear Death.  What is good is easy to get.  What is terrible is easy to endure.

Remember it’s okay to feel how you feel. You’re allowed to have emotions

Slaying the insecurity of providing love

I, Charmaine, was molested by my uncle and brother. Raped by my cousin. But, I survive to help others.

I love my family.  Women’s right is important and love, baby. Hope people come. To show right?

My voice is important, and I am the only one who can express it in the world.

Never forget where you come from and the sacrifices your loved ones had to make to give you the opportunity of tomorrow.

Move toward kindness each day.

You hurt me, so screw you.  I have survived, I never needed you to begin with.

Despite the pain and darkness, the light of dawn will always shine come morning!

My freedom to be me despite my story!  Love me!

Never love anyone who treats you like you’re ordinary.

For those who don’t realize there is a war  to be fought.

For my friends, for myself, for my mother, for my aunts, and grandma.

Empower our daughters.  Improve future generation of women.

My family are some of the worst sexual offenders I have come across – I didn’t know that wasn’t what cousins did, that was how I was treated.. I’m so sorry. I want to stop the cycles.

I’m no longer a victim.  I am a survivor!

This information was compiled by Shirley Silberman, creator of the Dragon